Location: Omaha, Nebraska, United States

Julie calls me "Sweetie". Finley calles me a variation of "Daddy". One of my friends calls me "Boo-Boo". Another friend used to call me "Mole".

Monday, February 18, 2008

Songs That Won't Go Away For Now

These are the songs that I just can not stop listening to right now (I think all of the following are YouTube-able):

(1) Madvillain-"ALL CAPS"

This is what in my humble opinion, hip hop should move towards. It has a very stripped down basic sort of feel-almost earthy. The video for the song is a cartoon strip which is very creatively done. The sound effects are super cool too.

(2) Burial-"Archangel"

I don't usually get into music like this but it creates a real sense of post-Industrial Euro-loneliness. Oh, you don't know what that is-I didn't either until I heard the song. Just listen to the song and think of Bucharest in January. Julie and I were in Vienna a few years ago and we were checking our e-mail in this smokey 24-hour internet cafe in a bus station and there were all of these guys with long ashes on the cigarettes playing computer games. This song reminds of those fellows.

(3) Robert Cray-"Poor Johnny" (Robert Cray at Crossroads 2007)

This song really amazes me for some reason that I can't exactly put my finger on. Sometimes we appreciate things more because of the nostalgia that we bring to the table. I remember when I was nine or ten my Dad telling me about how amazing Robert Cray was. Then years later Julie and I saw him open for B.B. King at the Kentucky Horse Park. Until a few weeks ago I had not heard from Mr. Cray for a while. Juls and I were watching PBS and Eric Clapton's Crossroads festival was on. Mr. Cray came out on to the stage and just played and sang like a man who has been doing it for a very long time but one who still deeply cares about what he is doing. We have a lot to learn from Robert Cray. If you take the time to listen to this, listen to at least five times in a row. It is a song that gets better with every listen. It has an understated power to it.

(4) Feist-"I've Seen It All"
(5) Feist-"Intuition"
(6) Feist-"The Water"
(7) Feist-"Limit To Your Love"

These days music just keeps getting better and better. I hear Over the Rhine in Feist. I also hear Joni Mitchell. Sometimes I hear something that sounds like 70's British Punk. Whatever she is doing, it is fantastic and full of emotion.

(8) Nick Drake-"Northern Sky"

Nearly a perfect song, if only it were longer. It is a very triumphant song. This is a perfect song for a scene in a movie where someone comes out of a coma.

(9) John Mayer-"Belief"

This might be a perfect song. Everything John Mayer is making right now is pretty outstanding.

(10) Rufus Wainwright-"Beautiful Child"

A song that would go well with the end of time.


Blogger kate diago. said...

feist is on tour! check for a city near you! you should take julie on a hot date, get a sitter, and make it a weekend away! i love those songs, too! especially The Water and that little xylophone part. I really like The National lately "Fake Empire" is a great song and "Squalor Victoria" i love the brass instruments and strings.

7:18 PM  
Blogger kate diago. said...

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7:19 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

I really like John Mayer too, and that song. I saw him in concert, he was super awkward but that made me like him more. I saw Ben Folds and he was a real crowd pleaser which made me like him less.

3:17 PM  

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